Step-by-Step Guide on How To Start a Blog in 2023

Patrice Smith
14 min readSep 28, 2022


It seems obvious now looking back that I should write about how to start a blog, especially considering that I write quite a bit on creating lucrative side hustles. However, it wasn’t until I received several questions from my colleagues on Instagram and was interviewed by LinkedIn News on starting a successful blog that I realized that this was something I needed to cover.

I’ have noticed that people tend to have two general questions when it comes to the thought of starting a blog: 1. Are blog dead and do people even read them anymore? 2. I want to have a blog but how do I even start? To succinctly answer your first question, no blogging is alive and well and there are plenty people making quite a bit of money from them or using them as creative outlets and a place for community. If you want answers to the second question, you’ve come to the right place. As a blogger myself, I can tell you it’s a rewarding way to hone your writing skills, explore new ideas, build an online presence and a community that revolves around your passions and expertise. You’ll get the chance to inspire, educate, and entertain your readers — and as your blog grows, you can even start making money and turn it into a full-time job, if that’s what you desire.

In other words, blogging is the first step toward pursuing your favorite hobby or even your dream job, so it’s a win and you really can’t go wrong. While starting a blog might seem daunting, I’m going to walk you through it step-by-step to make it as smooth as possible. The process is actually quite easy, and you’ll have your blog up and running in a very short time.

In this step-by-step guide, you’ll find all the guidance and tools you’ll need to start a blog. You’ll learn how to create your website and get it off the ground, write your first blog posts, draw in loyal readers and start making money! Sounds exciting? Let’s get into it.


Here are the general steps:

  1. Choose a blogging platform. You want to use a platform that offers customizable templates.
  2. Pick a hosting platform. Consider a platform with good bandwidth and customer support.
  3. Find your niche. Narrow down your blog’s theme and have a specific audience in mind.
  4. Select a blog name and domain. Choose a descriptive name that piques readers’ interests.
  5. Set up and design your blog. Get creative! Include imagery and effects that reflect your theme.
  6. Brainstorm blog topics. Write down all your blog ideas.
  7. Write your first blog posts. Catch your audience’s attention with a great title and offer valuable information.
  8. Create an editorial calendar. Create a calendar to help you publish consistently and hold yourself accountable.
  9. Promote your blog. Use marketing strategies and social media to expand your reach.
  10. Make money blogging. Take advantage of opportunities to monetize your blog.


While a blog can encompass an entire website or simply be its own section of a website, this is a place to share content about a topic you are passionate about or have expertise in. A blog will typically include both written and visual elements published in an easy-to-read, article format so readers can browse and find what they’re looking for.


People start blogs for a variety of reasons, some of which include:

  • Share your ideas with the world. Sometimes you just want to put your thoughts out there, be heard and get your ideas out into the universe. This is where a blog can help — it’s a form of communication and space that’s entirely your own. You can use your creativity and passion to create a space customized exactly to your liking where you can share your ideas, expertise and experiences.
  • Build an online community. Thanks to the internet, we no longer need to live in the same city, state or even country to be connected to others. A blog creates a space to share your story, ideas and start conversations with people all over the world with mutual interests. A blog typically has a comments section and an email list where your readers can speak with you directly, allowing you to engage in conversation and build relationships.
  • Earn revenue. Blogging can be lucrative with time and continued effort. The best way to see the monetary fruits of your labor is by posting quality content regularly that draws in new readers and brings more traffic to your website. This will help your blog gain advertisers and can also boost your status as an online influencer, which can open up the door for affiliate marketing.
  • Promote a product or service. As your blog grows you can build out your blog to offer products and services to your community based on their need or interests. Small business owners will also often use a blog as a form of content marketing. Written content can be a strategic way to engage potential customers to help them feel more connected to a product or service you’re trying to sell.


The first step in starting a blog is to select a blogging platform for publishing your content. A quick Google search will show you that there are several different sites available that fits bloggers from all industries. However, not all platforms are good for starting a blog. You need to choose the one that is good for SEO and will give you all the important features you need. Personally, I use squarespace. Squarespace is a really good platform for blogging. It’s very user-friendly and has all the important features that you will need to create a successful blog. In addition to that, Squarespace is also good for SEO and it helps your site to appear on search engines. There are other well known platforms however, like Wordpress (very popular), wix, weebly and medium, to name a few. When deciding on a platform it’s important that you pay attention to cost. On many platforms, starting a blog is completely free. You can decide at any point whether you’d like to upgrade to a variety of different plans, depending on your budget and needs. Squarespace is a bit on the pricey side in comparison to some others but I am willing to pay for the ability to have everything in one place without needing to use add-ons and plug-ins. if you are going the squarespace route, the code: GIMME10 takes 10% off a squarespace domain or website. It is also a good idea to search for promo/coupon codes online when purchasing your website or doman. Why spend more if you don’t have to?


Once you select your preferred blogging platform, you’ll need to choose a hosting platform. A blog, like any other website requires a host. This essentially stores websites on a server under a unique address so that visitors can easily reach them. On some blogging platforms (like squarespace), hosting is already included, so you won’t need to find a separate web host. This is another reason why I love squarespace! With other website builders, such as WordPress, you will need to find and pay for a separate hosting platform. Some popular options include:

  • BlueHost
  • HostGator
  • GoDaddy
  • DreamHost


Take a step back and think about the main element that will form the foundation of your blog, from its URL and domain name to its content and design: your blog’s niche. What, exactly, do you want your blog to be about? There is virtually no limit when it comes to your choice of subjects. The most crucial thing is that you select a specific topic area that will be the central focus of your entire blog.

Narrow down your interests

When you start a blog, think long term. To motivate yourself to blog regularly, you’ll need to write about something you’re genuinely interested in. If you choose a topic solely on the basis of it being popular or profitable, your efforts will peter out pretty quickly.

If you aren’t sure right off the bat what you should be blogging about, that’s okay. Begin with a simple brainstorming session about subjects you like. What do you get excited talking about? What are you eager to learn more about? What can you talk about easily? For me, that is personal, professional and financial development. Under those umbrellas I choose to speak on career, entrepreneurship, side hustles and motherhood.

Write down the first 5–10 interests that come to mind. For example:

  • Travel
  • Photography
  • Fashion
  • Cooking
  • Music

Next, think about your more specific interests within these subject areas and add them to your list. Example:

  • Budget traveling
  • Photography with iphone
  • Budget fashion
  • Vegan recipes
  • Neo soul music

The niche does to have to be perfect yet. You’ll do some more research next.

Research your audience

The next step of starting a blog is to learn which topics people are interested in reading about. If your blog gains traction, you can eventually start making money from it and become a full-time blogger.

You can determine the demand for any given niche with a bit of market research. Begin by taking a look at Google Trends, which shows you how many people are searching for a particular topic. The more searches a topic gets, the more public demand it has. Give it whirl, type your niche in and see what comes up. If Google Trends reveals that interest in a subject area is either very low or declining, then that topic is unlikely to gain traction.

Check if it’s profitable

Whether you run a personal blog or a professional one, it’s a good idea to check whether your niche is profitable. Even if you’re starting out as a hobby blogger, you’ll want to think about future monetization options in the event that your blogging efforts evolve into a career.

There are multiple ways to earn money as a blogger, but one of the most common methods is affiliate marketing. As an affiliate, you’ll work together with a specific company, providing a link to their products within your blog, and earn a commission for any sale made through your site.

You don’t need to plan out your money-making strategy now, but thinking generally about profitable opportunities can help you choose a niche. For now, focus on starting your blog — we’ll talk more about making money blogging later in the article.


As you think about how to start a blog, the question of what to name it is probably on your mind. There are three main routes you can go with your blog’s name. These include:

  • Your first and last name
  • The name of your business (if you have one)
  • A creative new name

Obviously, I went with that latter and it is also the name of my business. I created the business after the decision to turn my blog into a business. When choosing your blog’s name, you should also think about the personality you want it to reflect. Should it be formal and professional? Sweet and romantic? Edgy and offbeat? If you’re not sure what to name your blog you can try using blog name generators like this one.

Once you decide, you should also go ahead and choose your domain name. Also referred to as a URL, a domain is a site’s address on the web (this website’s domain name, for example, is Typically, your domain name will be the same as, or at least influenced by, the name of your blog.


  1. Choose a blog template
  2. Decide which pages to include
  3. Get indexed on search engines
  4. Create a blog logo

At this point, you’ve chosen a blogging and hosting platform, domain name and blog niche. You’re now equipped with all the basics for setting up your blog!

Choose a blog template

The first part of setup is selecting a template. On your platform, there will be quite a bit of templates to choose from. Like your blog’s name, its look and feel will be an important part of its personality.

The most efficient way to get your blog up and running is to choose a pre-designed blog template. Afterwards, you can customize it based on your preferences. I chose a template from squarespace and then hired a designer from upwork to do a bit of customization for me to make it exactly how I wanted it to look and feel.

Next you want to choose your color palette. Color psychology plays a huge role in forming your audience’s impression of your blog. As you choose a color palette, keep in mind the feelings and attitudes that different colors evoke. Blue, for instance, tends to evoke dependability and trust, while yellow evokes energy and joy. My blog color has soft pink and nude colors which invokes femininity, kindness, warmth and versatility — and attracts a female audience.

Decide which pages to include

Once you’ve chosen a template, think about which pages to include. Most blogs include more than just a section to display their posts. They might also include an about section, a contact page and online store.

Get indexed on search engines

Another part of starting a blog is making sure it’s visible on Google and other search engines. This is crucial if you want your content to pop up in search results, so you’ll want to take care of this step right away. First, make sure your site is indexed on Google. This pretty much means giving Google a heads up that your blog exists. You can do this by submitting your sitemap to Google Search Console.

Pro tip: Google Search Console is not only important for indexing your site, but it’s also a valuable platform that you’ll be using throughout your blogging journey. It tells you important data about your blog’s site visitors and clicks, which you can use to improve your content. To find out whether your site is already included in Google’s search index, do a quick site search (a site search uses your homepage URL and takes the form of If your blog pops up in the search results, then your site is already indexed.

Create a blog logo

Finally, polish off your site with an attractive logo. This is another way to add personality to your site, and it’s an essential step if you want to start a blog that evolves into a recognizable brand.

One option is to design your own or outsource the task, but you can also use an online logo maker. I have personally outsourced this to a freelancer on fiverr. Once you have your logo, place it in the upper left-hand corner of your website, and link it to your homepage. This will help brand your content while improving the navigation experience for readers.


Your blog is now ready to go but you need content. Start thinking about which topics you’ll get started with. Begin by thinking about your experiences, successes, failures or discoveries related to your niche. What insights can you share? What ideas are you looking to explore in-depth?


  1. Start with keyword research
  2. Come up with a blog post title
  3. Outline your main points
  4. Write engaging content
  5. Insert images
  6. Optimize for SEO
  7. Edit and publish


Whew! You’ve just written your first blog post. Take a break, and when you’re ready, plan out the rest of the month’s posting schedule. In my opinion, try to write 5–10 blog posts before you officially launch your blog. This will ensure your readers are taken on a journey and stay on your blog longer. Creating an editorial calendar is an important part of starting a blog. It’s an effective way to ensure you publish content consistently, letting you hold yourself accountable as a writer and ensuring you don’t deviate from your blogging goals. Your readers want new content, and you need to deliver. Plus, search engines take into account how frequently you publish when determining your site’s overall ranking.

How often should you blog?

When learning how to start a blog, a big question people ask is how often they should be publishing new content. As a rule of thumb, the more often you blog, the more traffic you get. There’s no black-or-white answer for exactly how frequently that is. For me, this is once per week consistently.

I’ve created an editorial calender/planner for myself that has kept my blog, social media and businesses organized. It is 159 pages and the most comprehensive planner you will find on the internet.


  1. Share on social media
  2. Create a blog newsletter
  3. Write for other sites
  4. Reach out to an existing community
  5. Participate in question and discussion sites
  6. Invest in paid ads
  7. Try new content formats


At this stage, you have everything you need to start a blog. These last couple of steps will focus on how to spread the word about your blog and grow it into a serious monetization tool.


  1. Affiliate marketing
  2. Advertise within your blog
  3. Offer paid subscriptions
  4. Write sponsored content
  5. Sell e-books and merchandise
  6. Provide consulting services

This may not happen for a while as you need to build an audience first. But in time you may want to make money from your blog’s popularity. Here’s a run down of some of the options:

  • Affiliate marketing: This is one of the most common ways to make money blogging, and it’s easy to get started. Intermediate affiliates can earn anywhere between $300-$3000 per day, and that number only goes up with experience. At this stage I am making about $2000/month consistently. Some months it is higher or slightly lower. There are plenty of affiliate marketing programs out there. Amazon Associates is a popular choice for beginners.
  • Advertising within your blog: Another option is to display ads within your blog, which means you’re essentially selling your blog real estate as ad space. This is a fairly reliable way to make money, as you’ll be earning revenue with each click. If you’re thinking of taking this route, Google AdSense is one of the most lucrative and popular programs.
  • Offering paid subscriptions: You know how the New York Times makes you pay to read their content? You can do the same thing with your blog. While some of your articles should be free, you can also create exclusive content that readers can buy access to through a subscription plan.
  • Write sponsored content: Reach out to companies — or, as your blog grows, make it easy for brands to contact you — regarding sponsorship opportunities. You’ll be writing articles that promote those companies’ products, and the business, in turn, will compensate you for the posts.
  • Sell e-books and merchandise: You can also sell digital or physical goods directly from your site. This might include branded merchandise, products related to your field, or e-books and other online resources.
  • Provide consulting services: This approach involves making use of your professional experience and harnessing the knowledge you’ve gained as a professional blogger. Based on your insights and expertise, think about the kinds of consulting services you might be able to offer to your clients.

I have used a mixture of affiliated links, sponsored content, e-books and merchandise. Although it took me quite some time to get there,I have gotten to the point where I am making approximately $10,000 per month from my blog. Some months the income is a bit less and other times a bit more.


It might seem daunting, but the sooner you start the sooner you will realize that it is easier than you thought. You will be wondering why you hadn’t done this sooner. Put one foot in front of the other, follow these steps and you are well on your way to becoming a successful blogger. Join my email list to get more insights on how to have a successful blog and other side hustles.



Patrice Smith

Orthodontist + Blogger | Inspiring young professionals on the path to Personal, Professional and Financial development. Read more on the blog: