Side Hustle: 5 Ways to Increase Your Skillset with Skillshare

Patrice Smith
4 min readFeb 14, 2023

Personal development is an important topic to me and one of the ways I work on myself is making sure that I hone my existing skills and gain new ones. I love learning! Here’s the thing about diversifying your skills — you become an asset. You become an asset to your place of employment and also to yourself. When you know how to do many things your skills become transferrable which could mean an increase in salary. It could also mean a new way for you to make extra money on the side.

If you’re in that boat where you are looking to increase your skillset and make some extra money on the side then I am going to recommend to you Skillshare. Skillshare is a great platform for both learning new skills and teaching them to others. With a membership, you can access thousands of courses, tutorials, and workshops to enhance your existing knowledge, while also having the opportunity to become an instructor and start earning money. In this blog post, we’ll discuss five different ways to increase your skillset with Skillshare, so you can start a successful side hustle.

  1. Join Skillshare

With a Skillshare membership, you join a growing community of millions of passionate learners and start acquiring skills you need to reach your goals. All you need to do to get started is create an account on the platform. It is subscription-based and offers classes from the world’s best instructors in topics ranging from design, marketing, photography, blogging and business. Each class includes short video lessons, projects and resources to help you build your skills and potentially unlock a new source of passive income.

With my link you can get a Skillshare membership this month for 30% off it’s original price.

2. Take Classes

Once you have signed up and become a member, you want to start taking classes. Find topics that you are interested in and just have fun with it. They have over 27,000 classes in their library, you can explore different topics and find what interests you. If you have a skill you already know, you can take courses to deepen your knowledge or even teach that skill yourself.

You don’t even have to sign up for classes right away. Browse the library and save classes that look interesting to watch later. That way, you can get an idea of the types of classes available and decide which ones will be the most beneficial to your career.

Taking classes on Skillshare should be fun. Don’t feel pressured to sign up for a course that doesn’t interest you just because it’s popular. It’s important to take the time to explore and find something that speaks to your passions. You will get the most out of the experience if you choose something that excites you. I am a skillshare member and it has helped me over the years to learn about various things related to blogging and social media. What I have learned on skillshare has been invaluable.

3. Teach a Class

As you gain proficiency in new skills, you can take the next step to become an instructor on Skillshare and start teaching others. Teaching classes on Skillshare provides a great opportunity to earn passive income, while also giving you the chance to learn even more new skills. Plus, you’ll get the satisfaction of helping others acquire knowledge and become more proficient in areas they’re interested in.

Setting up an account to become an instructor is easy and straightforward. You simply sign up as a teacher, and then create classes by uploading pre-recorded video lectures. You’ll also need to provide students with helpful resources and give them timely feedback.

Once you’ve published your classes, Skillshare takes care of the promotion for you and shares your class with the millions of potential students on its platform. You can even choose to make your class free or premium so that you can earn money for your hard work.

4. Promote Your Classes

Even though Skillshare will promote your classes for you, you may want to share your classes with people on different platforms for a wider reach. To share your classes directly on skillshare, just share your class link with fellow teachers and students in the comment section of a course or via direct messages. I encourage you to also share your classes directly on social media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other platforms that may be relevant to your target audience.

When creating content to promote your classes, make sure to highlight the topics covered in the course and emphasize the practical application of what students will learn. You can also create short videos and tutorials to show off your teaching style. Lastly, if you’re a part of any online communities or forums, you can share your classes there as well.

Promoting your classes is one of the best ways to make more money from Skillshare. When you reach more people, you’ll have more potential students and more chances to earn money. With this strategy, you’ll be able to start making passive income in no time while also giving others the opportunity to learn new skills.

5. Earn Money

By teaching your own classes on Skillshare, you can earn a passive income from your creative endeavors. After your classes have been published, Skillshare pays you for each student enrolled in them. The best part is that you don’t have to be constantly monitoring your classes since you get paid even after the course has finished. So why not give Skillshare a try and start earning money from your creative side hustle?

If you would like to give Skillshare a try, sign up for a membership and use this link to get 30% off the original price.



Patrice Smith

Orthodontist + Blogger | Inspiring young professionals on the path to Personal, Professional and Financial development. Read more on the blog: