How I’m making $10K per month blogging

Patrice Smith
4 min readJun 30, 2022
Image from TheUnOrthoDoc

This month I am on track to make over $10K from blogging. That is, money coming in to do exactly what I would normally do — publish one blog post per month.

When I started my blog I was pretty inconsistent with my posting schedule. When I realized it was directly affecting my SEO (the way it showed up in internet searches) that’s when I decided to put some strategy in and start posting more consistently. For the greater part of 2 years I posted once per week consistently. That greatly improved my ranking in google searches and thus the blog’s visibility. This also strengthened brand’s trust in me. Because of this combination, my blog has been making steady residual income.


I don’t do blog income transparency posts often but when I do, it is to show that blogging can be a lucrative side hustle if that’s what you desire. I did a similar post last summer where my blogging income over 8 months was $12,201.67. Roughly a year later and that 8 month income is close to the monthly income. This is the power of consistency. If this income remains consistent, that will be over $120K/year — a 6 figure income from blogging alone!

I have said this before but it is worth mentioning again, blogging didn’t start out being a money making venture for me (still isn’t the aim) but has been a welcomed side effect of doing what I love to do. When you love something, I mean love it, you don’t see it as work.

It’s why I can get up at 6am work until 8:30am, go to my 9–5 and then work from 6–10pm (if I want to). It’s joyful and I love to do it. Here are some of the benefits of a side hustle you love:

  • It’s free therapy
  • It gives you clarity
  • It builds your confidence
  • It gets you motivated

None of those things are about money, the money is a bonus.

If you create something you love regardless of the money, the money feels like you’ve won big time.

My blog makes passive income with affiliate links and sponsored posts. This month alone (June) my blog is on track to make roughly $10,180.05 (this does not include income from my candle company). There are no overhead costs (besides the annual cost to keep the site up and running) and I don’t have to do anything differently. For me, blogging is a good side hustle.

Here is the breakdown:

  1. Sponsored posts $6,000.00 — a sponsored post is an article you write on behalf of a company that would like to get in front of your audience. The key for me where this is concerned is to only agree to write such articles when it is a product or service that I have personally used or can get behind.
  2. Affiliate links $4,180.05 — On the resources page of this blog I have products and services listed that I have used myself and even carry in my practice. I like giving my patients options especially when it come to oral care products and I extend the same to my readers. When I promote a company’s products as an affiliate I earn a small commission for the referral.

I am not including income from my candle company because it involves putting in extra time. I hand-pour and package each candle that is purchased and it does carry some overhead costs. However, running a candle business is another lucrative side hustle!

Invest in a side hustle.

It’s a way to have a job and do the work you really want to on the side with zero risk. Once the side hustle starts to become a bigger part of your income, you can slowly transition from a job to work you love, if that’s what you want.

I invested a lot of time before and after work to make it happen. I can now say it’s one of the best investments I’ve ever made.

Do this:

Work on a side hustle between 6–10pm. Commit for at least one year. Invest time into learning about different online income streams. Experiment until you find your sweet spot.

Here are some Side Hustle blog posts and a Side Hustle Guide to get you inspired. Want to take things a step further? Purchase my e-book: From idea To Profit.



Patrice Smith

Orthodontist + Blogger | Inspiring young professionals on the path to Personal, Professional and Financial development. Read more on the blog: