How I Stay Organized and How You Can Too

Patrice Smith
5 min readSep 30, 2021


I consider myself a pretty organized person that typically have things in order. It goes without saying that with being a dental professional there’s a certain level of organizational skill that comes with the territory in order to keep things streamlined and on schedule while at work. But, there are other areas that take a considerable amount of organizing as well.

Here’s a tiny glimpse into my world:

  • I have 3 Instagram business accounts which I manage solo — my practice, my candle company and my personal brand. I create content for each page which includes photo shoots, product photography, creating graphics in Canva, creating videos and reels, sometimes planning IG live events and scheduling said content.
  • The candle company itself which I also manage solo — some tasks include product photography, maintaining and updating website, research, inventory, tracking and ordering supplies, creating new scent formulas monthly for candle club members, actually making the candles, packaging and shipping, marketing products online including email marketing.
  • I write weekly blog posts here and market them on a few social platforms namely Instagram, Pinterest and sometimes Facebook and linkedIn. I vet and write sponsored posts for brands which often times include not only a blog post but also inclusion in my monthly newsletter, instagram posts and stories.
  • With opening a dental practice and having a baby things got a lot busier and it has become quite a task to keep all things organized. I wear many, many hats and if I am not careful things can get messy.


At Work

1. Morning Huddle — I arrive to the office at least 15 minutes before I start seeing patients. My team and I do a short 5–10 minute huddle. In my opinion, this is probably the single most effective meeting that you can have with your team. It’s a time of collaboration where the whole team can come together to review the day’s schedule and discuss vital patient information. I find that this increases productivity and overall efficiency in my practice.

2. Time Blocking — I often times get emails and phone call from patients, colleagues and referring doctors with questions and concerns. If I were to stop every few minutes to respond to all these I wouldn’t be ale to effectively treat my patients that have appointments during those times. instead, I schedule 30–45 minute time block where I respond to all those calls and emails.

3. Admin Time/Day — There are many tasks and administrative duties to be done when you are a practice owner. So much so that it is nearly impossible to get it all done during the day when you’re seeing patients. therefore, I have designated one day out of the week to get all my administrative duties done.

At Home

1. Make Your Bed — Believe it or not, making the bed each day not only makes your room look clean and tidy but has other has positive impacts. In Charles Duhigg’s book “The Power of Habit,” he noted that making your bed establishes a direct link to better productivity and overall health. When your make your bed, it helps you be more productive throughout the day and invest your time in other healthier habits.

2. Declutter — Your home is your scared space. Not only must you declutter to prevent prevent pests and reduce dust, mold, and mildew but studies have shown where clutter has adverse effects on your mental health. Decluttering decreases stress and anxiety levels which essentially leads to you being more relaxed. My favorite place to declutter is my closet. I organize all my clothing and shoes by color — it instantly makes me happier!

3. Lists and Calendars — Don’t you just hate it when you’re ready to have a bowl of cereal and you reach for the cereal box or the milk and there’s none? or when you get home from work hungry and realize you don’t have anything to make for dinner? Me too. I started making a running list of items I run out out of as soon as it happens that way I always know when I need a certain thing, this is posted on my refrigerator so it’s easily seen. Another thing that’s visible is our calendar — nothing like scheduling brunch with your friends on Saturday morning only to realize that your baby has a Pediatrician’s appointment.


1. Planner, Calender and Scheduling Apps — I cannot live without these! I always have a physical planner where I write things down (meetings, important dates, etc) because as much as we are in the digital age there is still something about writing things down that helps me to actually get it done.

  • I use this planner — I designed and created it myself and keep one in my desk drawer at work and one in my home office. I update this planner every year and make it available for my readers as well. Go here to grab yours. I also use the passion planner which I carry around in my purse.
  • iCal app — This is an app on my iPhone. Everything in my physical planner is duplicated on the app as a back up.
  • Planoly app — I use this app pretty much to plan all my social media content. I upload the photos, put in the captions and hashtags and schedule a day and time for each to go out. This is called ‘“batching” and it makes a world of difference in helping to stay consistent wit posting on social media.

2. Make use of the word “no” — It’s important that you are careful to not take on too much. Time is a limited resource, saying yes to everything threatens this very limited resource and can often also lead to burn out. Protect your limited resources by first pausing to assess whether or not the ask is something that you really need or want to take on right now, if at all. If you are like I once was and struggle to say no, try saying things like, “Thanks for asking, let me check my schedule/calendar and get back to you.”

3. Don’t Procrastinate — The longer you wait to do something, the more difficult it will be to get it done. If you want your life to be less stressful and less demanding, then organize as soon as you can. Putting in the effort to get things done as soon as possible will lift the weight off of you from doing it later. I do this all he time with check-lists. I write it down, get it done and check it off my list. The feeling accomplishment after you’ve checked everything off your to-do list is unmatched.

BONUS: Delegate responsibilities! A really organized life is not overfilled with responsibilities, meetings and deadlines. In fact, it has less because things that create stress have been slowly organized out. Slowly but surely I am getting to a place where I delegate more. At work, my office manager helps with a lot of the administrative duties so instead of these taking an entire day, I have been able to cut down my admin time to half day. perhaps in the (near) future I will hire a VA (virtual assistant) to help with for all things social media and marketing. When it comes to the candle company, as it gets busier I will hire help or possibly outsource all-together. We shall see.



Patrice Smith

Orthodontist + Blogger | Inspiring young professionals on the path to Personal, Professional and Financial development. Read more on the blog: