Breaking Up with the Side Hustle: My Love-Hate Relationship in the New Era of Entrepreneurship

Patrice Smith
4 min readSep 7, 2023


In this era brimming with opportunities and flexible work structures, “side hustle” has become a familiar phrase in our lexicon. I, too, have liberally used it throughout this blog, often boasting a few “side hustles” of my own. For many, it embodies ambition, the prospect of extra income, and the pursuit of dreams. But now, at the crossroads of entrepreneurship, I stand pondering why I’m considering parting ways with the term “side hustle.” It’s not the entire phrase, but the latter half, “hustle,” that raises questions — it conveys strain, busyness, and difficulty.

These side ventures have indeed played a pivotal role in molding my entrepreneurial journey. Beyond my role in running an Orthodontics practice, they’ve brought immense joy as I’ve nurtured them into steady earners, generating $10-$12K per month. It’s a genuinely delightful experience! Yet, as I plunge deeper into the realm of business, the phrase itself emerges as a love-hate relationship that merits examination.


1. Extra Income: Let’s face it, who doesn’t appreciate a financial cushion? My side hustle has been a reliable source of extra income, which has often eased the financial stress in my life.

2. Flexibility: The freedom to work on my terms, at my pace, has been a game-changer. It aligns perfectly with the era of remote work and flexible schedules.

3. Passion Projects: It allows me to pursue my passions and hobbies as income-generating endeavors. What’s better than getting paid for doing what you love?THE HATE:

1. Limiting Label: The term “side hustle” can be constricting, often implying a secondary role or a mere supplement to a ‘main’ job. Yet, what if your side venture embodies your true passion? Sometimes, these pursuits begin as secondary endeavors but possess the potential to blossom into full-fledged ventures. Perhaps it’s time to adopt a different phrase that better captures this transformative journey.

2. Stress and Burnout: The term “hustle” itself often carries associations with stress and burnout. The idea of balancing a full-time job, family responsibilities, and a side venture can be overwhelming and risk causing burnout. Therefore, it’s crucial to establish a sustainable rhythm that prioritizes both mental and physical well-being. After all, a side pursuit should be an additional source of income, not a source of undue strain.

3. Entrepreneurial Evolution: In this era, we’re witnessing the evolution of entrepreneurship. Businesses born as side hustles have grown into thriving ventures. The phrase ‘side hustle’ can’t encapsulate the magnitude of such aspirations.


1. Limiting Label: The term “side hustle” can be constricting, often implying a secondary role or a mere supplement to a ‘main’ job. Yet, what if your side venture embodies your true passion? Sometimes, these pursuits begin as secondary endeavors but possess the potential to blossom into full-fledged ventures. Perhaps it’s time to adopt a different phrase that better captures this transformative journey.

2. Stress and Burnout: The term “hustle” itself often carries associations with stress and burnout. The idea of balancing a full-time job, family responsibilities, and a side venture can be overwhelming and risk causing burnout. Therefore, it’s crucial to establish a sustainable rhythm that prioritizes both mental and physical well-being. After all, a side pursuit should be an additional source of income, not a source of undue strain.

3. Entrepreneurial Evolution: In this era, we’re witnessing the evolution of entrepreneurship. Businesses born as side hustles have grown into thriving ventures. The phrase ‘side hustle’ can’t encapsulate the magnitude of such aspirations.

So, why the breakup with the term? It’s about acknowledging the transformation in my mindset. I no longer see my ventures as something secondary. They are bona fide businesses, an entrepreneurial pursuit that deserves to stand on its own.

In the era of entrepreneurship and flexible work, it’s time to embrace a new lexicon, one that reflects the diverse journeys we embark upon. Terms like “profit pursuit,” “earnings endeavor,” and “spare time startup” and “income initiative” better encapsulate the potential and ambition behind what we do.

The side hustle era has laid the groundwork, but now we’re taking the reins and redefining our entrepreneurial narratives. It’s time to break up with the limitations of the past and step into a future where our businesses, no matter their origins, shine brilliantly.

As I embark on this journey of linguistic liberation, I invite you to explore your own relationship with the term “side hustle.” Are you ready to redefine your narrative and embrace the entrepreneurial era with a fresh perspective? It’s time to discover a new language of ambition, one that truly reflects the transformative power of our pursuits.



Patrice Smith

Orthodontist + Blogger | Inspiring young professionals on the path to Personal, Professional and Financial development. Read more on the blog: